This article appeared in the October 2016 edition of the Apsley Voice.
Why Can’t I Play Hockey? by Carol Fisher

In April of 2009 I launched the Kawartha
Komets Special Needs Hockey Program in Peterborough so that individuals of
varying abilities could achieve their dreams of learning how to play hockey,
scoring goals and building relationships with teammates. The Komets program has now grown to sixty
(60) players ranging in age from 6 to 43 with both male & female athletes lacing
up their skates every weekend. This
season we will ice four (4) teams, with rosters determined according to ability
not age.
We are actively seeking a parent, grandparent,
caregiver, support worker or just an individual who is passionate about supporting
“special needs individuals” to launch a team in your community or area. What an incredible opportunity to make a
difference in the lives of these players.
We have seen the beautiful North Kawartha Community Centre, having
played a demonstration game there several years ago. We have players who come to Peterborough on
Saturday mornings to play for the Komets because there is no team in this area. Some players have stopped making the trip
because it’s just too far but they really want to play. They are counting on
you to start a team for them.
Playing hockey is just the avenue to help
these players learn meaningful life skills needed throughout their lives such
as learning how to get along with others, talking to people they don’t know, working
as a team, making eye contact and learning to help a struggling teammate.
Dealing with loss when you don’t win and helping someone else to score a goal.
We would like to hear from anyone that
would be interested in starting a team in the Bancroft/Apsley area because we
know there are individuals in this community and surrounding towns that want an
opportunity to realize their dreams of playing hockey for a “real” team. This program is for players who cannot play
in a regular hockey program for whatever reason. The Kawartha Komets are always looking for
teams east of the Greater Toronto Area to play against and your beautiful arena
would be a perfect location for this.
We would be more than happy to come
alongside anyone wishing to launch a special
needs hockey program in this area. “Go
for it” and give us a call. You can
share in the Kawartha Komets mandate of “Making Dreams Come True”.
Please call Carol Fisher at (705) 750-0655.
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