Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Man in the Red Suit Meets Komets in Blue Jerseys

A most unusual thing happened at the Kawartha Komets practice at the Evinrude Centre on Saturday morning. During the Saturns' (Juniors) practice, a man in a red suit showed up with his skates on and a referee's whistle. (Even though Santa is from the North Pole where there is no shortage of ice...I had never seen him skate before). He was actually very good on his skates. Almost as good as Jonathan Ang of the Peterborough Petes. The Komets players were thrilled that Santa would take time out of his hectic schedule to spend an hour (or four) with them when his next appointment was in Helsinki, Finland. Rudolph and OLIVE the other reindeer were waiting on the arena roof. 

Santa left the ice and quickly changed into another suit and ran to the "warm room" at the rink to hand out goody bags. Every player from all four (4) teams was greeted by Santa as they left the building. Many got to sit on his knee. It was an exciting day at the rink for the Komets players. Santa even agreed to change the spelling of one of his reindeer's names from Comet to Komet. As he flew off to Helsinki he waved goodbye as he disappeared over Lansdowne Place mall. A great day at the Evinrude! 


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