Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Kawartha Komets & Electric City Maroon & White Walk Together

The Kawartha Komets Special Needs Hockey Program was asked by the City of Peterborough again this year to be the "Official Flag Bearers" in the Canada Day Parade. We were pleased to have the Electric City Maroon and White Special Needs Hockey Program join us for this event to help carry the flags.  We had a great time, as usual. Many thanks to everyone who participated and to Jim & Sharon Legon for having your classic car in the parade. 

A big THANK YOU to the City of Peterborough for asking us to carry the flags again.  We were so grateful and proud to represent our city, our provinces, our territories and our great country of Canada.

THANK YOU to Lisa Mills, the Komets' Special Events Co-ordinator, for participating in the planning of this event and for keeping those red pails filled with lollipops.

Special thanks to the players who volunteered to carry the flags and those players who handed out the treats.

THANK YOU as well, City of Peterborough, for your generous Community Investment Grants to our program over the last several years.

The Komets and Electric City were BLAZING...together!


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